The 20.04.2024 we co-hosted with the first shiai event of the Capital Region League with the Finnish National Team. The event took place in our dojo in Porthania. Thanks to our friends from the kendon maajoukkuerinki (Eng. the national team squad) the event was the most popular we had so far!
This Saturday in Helsinki, 35 competitors did 136 shiais, on two shiai-jos from 9 different clubs:
- Kotkan Kendoseura Gu Do Ken Kai
- Helsingin Yliopiston Kendoseura
- Lebudo
- Oulun Kendoseura Hokufuu
- Porin Kendoseura Dai Kuma Ken Kai
- Rendaino Turku
- Jyväskylä Ryûtôkai
- Sei Shin Ken Kai ry – Seinäjoen Kendoseura
You might not be familiar yet with the style of this competitions, but basicallz: we organize them as Swiss-system tournaments. You can read about the Capital Region Kendo League here and about the point system there.
The Swiss-system tournament allows everyone to play the same amount of matches while pairing the players with people of similar performance. This allows to make some events with all kinds of levels, genders, and categories. It’s also very flexible: when organiying such an event, we can simply continue to do as many rounds as we wish, until the end of the dedicated time for the event is over.
Thank you again to everyone for coming and helping out with shinpaning, timekeeping, and scorekeeping!
Special thanks to Kari Ruuhilahti (7.dan, kyoshi), Markus Lyyrtö (7.dan, renshi), Saara Pöyhönen (5. dan), Sami Aarnio (4. dan), Junsheng, and Felix for all their help!
See you next time!
Summary of the event
The temporary result puts AG on the top of the table so far with a clean 8/8 wins.
Temporary result after the Season 2 event#1:
players looking for the next pairing.
The HY squad at the event !
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