The University of Helsinki Kendo club updated its rules in 2007

You can find bellow the updates rules of the club, to see the original rules from 1999, check that post

if you look for the rules in Finnish, you can check that post

RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION – University of Helsinki Kendo Club 


1 § Name and domicile of the association 

The name of the association is the University of Helsinki Kendo Club and its domicile is Helsinki. 

  1. § Purpose and forms of operation of the association 

The purpose of the association is to promote the hobby of Japanese fencing, or kendo, among the students and staff of the University of Helsinki, as well as other higher education students. The association is a member club of the Finnish Kendo Association. 

In order to achieve its purpose, the association organizes guided kendo exercises, competitions, beginners’ courses, camps, shows and other activities that meet the association’s goals  for its members.

The teaching provided by the association’s own members can be supplemented by visiting teachers. The association may also participate in activities organized by other parties, if this is in accordance with the association’s objectives and rules. Non-members of the association can also participate in the activities organized by the association. 

Participants in training and competition activities must ensure that they have a validinsurance policy covering  accidents in training and competition situations.

In order to support its activities, the association may accept grants, donations and sponsorship support, own and manage movable and immovable property necessary for its activities, and carry out,on a non-profit basis, the purchase and brokering of equipment for its members and, with the appropriate permission, carry out raffles, fundraisers and public amusement events. 

  1. § Members of the association 

Anyone who accepts the association’s objectives and rules can become a full member of the association. 

An association may have private persons or legal entities as supporter members who wish to support the association’s activities. 

The association’s full members and supporter members are approved by the board based on the application.  

  1. § Resignation and dismissal of a member of the association 

A member of the association may resign from the association by submitting a written notice of resignation to the board of the association orits chairman or by announcing the resignation at a meeting of the association. The member shall be free from the beginning of the year following the notification of resignation, unless the Board of Directors previously grants an exemption. 

The board of the association has the right to dismiss a member if his or her actions are contrary to the association or if the board considers that the member’s conduct significantly harms the association’s operations or if the member no longer fulfils the conditions for membership mentioned in the law or the association’s rules. 

A member who has not paid his or her membership fee for one year may be considered to have resigned by decision of the Board of Directors. 

A member who has been dismissed by the board is entitled to refer the matter of dismissal to the meeting of the associationfor a decision after notifying the board of the association in writing within 30 days of being informed of the dismissal decision. 

  1. Section Membership and training fees of the association 

The membership and training fees charged to ordinary members and themembership fees charged to supporting members are decided by the autumn meeting of the association. The decisions shall enter into force at the beginning of the following calendar year. The membership fee must be paid to the association within the time determined by the autumn meeting, but always before the end of the financial year. 

  1. § Board of the association 

The association’s affairs are handled by a board consisting of the chairman elected at the autumn meeting and a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of six (6) other members. The number of members of the Board of Directors shall be odd. 

The term of office of the Board of Directors is the calendar year. 

At its first meeting after the autumn meeting, the Board of Directors elects from among its members the Vice Chairman as well as the Secretary, treasurer and other necessary officers. 

The Board of Directors convenes at the invitation of the Chairman or theVice Chairman when prevented from attending, when they deem it necessary or when at least half of the members of the Board of Directors so request. 

The treasurer supervises that any transactions in bank accounts under the control of the association,receipts, etc. are taken into account. and information on other assets and expenses is submitted annually for the auditor’s opinion. The auditor’s statement will be discussed at the spring meeting. 

The Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum when at least half of its members, including the Chairman or the Chairman of the Board of Directors, are present. 

Votes shall be decided by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairman’s vote shall be the deciding factor, but in the case of elections, a lot. 

  1. § The association’s right to sign 

The name of the association is written by the chairman, vice chairman, secretary or treasurer of the association’s board two together. 

  1. § Financial year and accounting 

The association’s financial year is the calendar year. 

The association’s accounting must contain the information specified in the Accounting Act. The accounting and annual report of the Board of Directors must be submitted through the treasurer to an external auditor elected by the autumn meeting at least three (3) weeks before the date of the spring meeting. The auditors shall submit the audit statement to the Board of Directors in writing at least 14 days before the date of the spring meeting. 

  1. § Meetings of the association 

The association holds two annual meetings. The spring meeting of the association is held in January May and the autumn meeting in September-December on a date determined by the board. 

An extraordinary meeting is held when the meeting of the association so decides or when the board deems it necessary or when at least one-tenth (1/10) of the votingmembers of the association so decide 

from the government, for a specially announced matter, in writing. The meeting shall be held within thirty days of the date on which the requirement to hold it has been presented to the Board of Directors. In an extraordinary meeting,only the matters mentioned in the notice of the meeting may be resolved. 

At the meeting of the association, each full member of the association has the right to vote. 

Supporter members have the right to attend and speak at the association’s meetings, but not the right to vote. 

The decision of the meeting of the association shall, unless otherwise stipulated in the association’s rules, be the opinion that a simple majority of votes have supported in the vote. In the event of a tie, the position of the chairman of the meeting shall prevail. In personal elections, the equallos shall be decided by lot. 

  1. Convening a meeting 

The Board of Directors shall convene the meetings of the association at least seven days before the meeting by mailing to the members or by e-mail to the address provided by the member. The invitation letter or e-mail must indicate the matters to be discussed at the meeting and the time and place of the meeting. 

  1. § Ordinary meetings 

The spring meeting of the association deals with the following matters: 

  1. opening of the meeting, 
  2. the chairman of the meeting, the secretary, two examiners of the minutes and, if necessary, two tellers shall be elected, 
  3. establish the legality and quorum of the meeting, 
  4. approve the rules of procedure of the meeting, 
  5. presenting the financial statements, the annual report and the opinion of the auditors, 
  6. deciding on the approval of the financial statements and discharging the Board of Directors and other accountable persons from liability, 
  7. other matters mentioned in the notice of the meeting will be handled. 

The autumn meeting of the association deals with the following matters: 

  1. opening of the meeting, 
  2. the chairman of the meeting, the secretary, two examiners of the minutes and, if necessary, two tellers shall be elected, 
  3. establish the legality and quorum of the meeting, 
  4. theRules of Procedure of the Assembly  are adopted;
  5. confirming the action plan, the revenue and expenditure estimate and the amount of membership and training fees for the following calendar year, 
  6. electing the Chairman and other members of the Board of Directors, 
  7. the election of one or two auditors and theauditors who reserve  for them,
  8. other matters mentioned in the notice of the meeting will be handled. 

If a member of the association wishes to have a matter on the agenda of the association’s spring or autumn meeting, he or she must notify the board of the matter in writing in sufficient time for the matter to be included in the invitation to the meeting. 

  1. § Amendment of the rules and termination of the association 

The decision to amend the association’s rules and dissolve the association must be made at the meeting of the association by a majority of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast. The notice of the meeting must mention the amendment of the rules or the dissolution of the association. 

In the event of the dissolution of the association, the association’s funds are used to promote the association’s purpose in the manner prescribed by the meeting that decides on the dissolution. When the association is dissolved, its funds will be used for the same purpose. 

  1. § Acquired membership rights 

The acquired membership rights will be preserved.

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